What is Behaviour Support?

People navigating mental illness or disabilities frequently exhibit demanding behaviours that can prove hard to manage. It's natural to feel lost in such situations, but remember, you're not alone. If you're wondering “What is behaviour support?” we're here to offer both clarification and assistance.


Behaviour Support serves as a pathway toward enhancing an individual's overall quality of life while mitigating complex behaviours like property damage, self-harm, aggression, and other related challenges. It's highly advisable to seek assistance from a trained professional, as these actions could potentially be misinterpreted by others. By collaborating with a knowledgeable expert, you can work together to foster a more positive and well-understood environment.

What is a Behaviour Support Practitioner?

Behaviour Support practitioners encompass a range of skilled professionals with varied backgrounds. Among them, you’ll find allied health experts, educators, and behaviour analysts, each equipped with the requisite training and hands-on experience. Central to their roles is the assessment of factors impacting an individual’s behaviour, followed by the formulation of effective strategies geared towards enhancing their overall life quality and diminishing troublesome behaviours.

Invariably, they craft a comprehensive behaviour support plan that proposes a spectrum of modifications aimed at aiding the individual in focus. This blueprint encompasses alterations to their physical surroundings, more effective modes of communication, adept management of stimuli, and instruction in cultivating novel, socially appropriate behaviours.

What is a Behaviour Support Plan?

The Behaviour Support Practitioner will formulate a plan designed to outline strategies for aiding the individual in need and enhancing their quality of life. Importantly, this program also functions as a dedicated support system for the individual, conceived to assist the practitioner in attaining their objectives. The plan might encompass the following focal points:

  • Stimuli prompting behaviours, including speech, tactile contact, and sound.
  • Situations triggering the behaviours, such as discomfort, tiredness, and appetite.
  • Strategies to diminish or remove these triggers.
  • Educating the individual on alternative ways to fulfil their needs beyond resorting to those behaviours.
  • Strengthening socially appropriate actions.
  • Providing direction to the support network (parents and caregivers) on optimal responses when behaviours manifest.
    A scheduled plan assessment date.

Procedures for assessing and refining the plan.During program implementation, it’s possible for a child’s behaviour to temporarily regress before displaying improvement. To foster the adoption of socially acceptable behaviour, early utilisation of rewards and positive reinforcements is recommended. In the long term, the plan will yield advantages for both the individual and their interactions with others.

Allow Our Experts to Tackle Behavioural Challenges

Being an accredited provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), we possess extensive expertise and hands-on experience in assisting those seeking insights into “What is behaviour support?” Additionally, our services encompass a range of other offerings such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and exercise physiology.
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